Reunited and Captured: Alumni Homecoming


FEU Medtech Alumni Homecoming is a special occasion that brings together graduates from different batches to reminisce about their college days and catch up with old friends. As a photographer, it’s a privilege to capture the moments and emotions of this event. In this blog post, I’ll be sharing my experience covering the FEU Medtech Alumni Homecoming at Le Reve Event Pools and Venue.


The FEU Medtech Alumni Homecoming was held at the Le Reve Event Pools and Venue, a picturesque location that provided the perfect backdrop for the occasion. As soon as I arrived, I began scouting the area to find the best spots for taking photos. The venue had several unique features, such as the poolside lounge chairs, beautifully landscaped gardens, and a large fountain that provided a great setting for group photos.

Once the event began, I made sure to capture candid shots of alumni mingling and catching up with each other. I also took posed photos of groups and individuals to showcase the excitement and joy of the occasion. To add some variety to my shots, I used different angles and perspectives, such as shooting from a low angle or a bird’s eye view.

As the night progressed, I took photos of the speeches, performances, and other activities that took place. One of the highlights of the event was the alumni dance number, which was a great opportunity to capture some fun and energetic shots.

Throughout the event, I made sure to use rich transition words to keep the flow of the article smooth and engaging. Words such as “additionally”, “furthermore”, and “moreover” helped me link different ideas and sections seamlessly.

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